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(877) 570-7333
EXPERIENCE: Experience matters, in fact, it's the most important factor of all. Whether you need a surgeon or a special education law firm, there is no substitute for experience. Founded in 1999 in the State of Hawaii, the AdvocacyProject offers legal advocacy and legal representation nationwide. Since schoolyear 2016-2017 we've handled approximately 80% of all the Due Process filings, by counsel, in the State of Hawaii in special education law usually Free of charge to our clients! See Our Costs & Services page for details.
Don't Use an Advocate! Call Us Before Your IEP Meeting!
Some people seek an Advocate to help instead of or before they seek an attorney. This can't ever be a good idea. For one thing, many Advocates are paid with State and Federal funds and are not representing only your child's interests, but are also helping the school. Even privately funded, advocates don't know the techniques and strategies needed to preserve options in case advocacy alone is unsuccessful. How could they know? They don't have decades of litigation experience to know how to set up a case. Unless an Advocate is guided and trained by an attorney, avoid them completely.
Multiple Conference Locations*
We represent clients in California and on 6 Hawaiian islands, and across the nation. Therefore, when an in-person meeting is necessary we reserve a conference room and travel to a location convenient for our clients. We employ video conferencing through our Zoom rooms, use phone calls, and our client portals as our primary means of connecting with our clients. We have used this method successfully for over 2 decades.
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